
出国留学 & 全球赌博十大网站

Expand your global and cultural understanding through international study.

的 William and Robert Shuford Center for 全球赌博十大网站 offers smart, 经济实惠的机会,让您沉浸在一个新的国家和学术环境, 为你提供革命性的经历和重要的技能,你可以在你的生活中应用.


Our programs offer courses that you need to graduate on time. You may choose from summer, semester and year-long options, as well as faculty-led opportunities during spring break.



Ainee奥康纳 '20, German/International Economics


全球网赌十大网站的全面建议, 支持车间, 取向材料, 留学前和留学后的课程将帮助你充分利用你的经验.

If you need extra support applying for a passport, or writing scholarship essays, 全球网赌十大网站是来帮忙的. 全球网赌十大网站也提供机会与像你一样在国外学习过的学生交谈. 全球网赌十大网站希望你在国外有成功的经历,从而获得宝贵的现实生活经验,这些经验可以在你毕业时用于你的第一份工作或申请研究生院.

鼓励你的父母或监护人和你一起阅读这些选择,这样你的整个家庭都有机会评估与出国留学相关的成本. 在你的LR教育中建立高影响力的学习经历时,提前计划是一个很大的优势.

You can only learn so much from the textbook in your comfort zone.

Michael Hanlon, traveled to Costa Rica

负担得起的选择 & 奖学金

Studying abroad doesn’t have to be out of reach. You can find a way to make study abroad affordable for you. We offer many affordable options, 在某些情况下, your overall bill will be the same or less than your typical semester on campus.

Financial aid and assistance can be used for your expenses, 你还可以申请一系列的LR奖学金和国家奖学金,这样更经济.

  • Mary Ann Chou Study 奖学金
    • Rolling Application 的最后期限
    • 目前,在夏季或学期学习的学生可获得最高1,500美元的奖学金.

    周玛丽安中国留学奖学金为符合条件的学生提供资金, in good academic standing, to participate in a study program to mainland China. 该计划必须持续至少三周,并由学术机构赞助.

    她于2000年设立了这项奖学金,目的是让雷诺瓦河畔的学生更好地了解周的出生地. 她在自传的最后一句话中写道:“完成自己没有提前计划的人生故事的感觉真好, just like many parts of my real life... Maybe going to China will be an important part of your life story."

  • 舒福德捐赠基金

    威廉和罗伯特·舒福德捐赠基金旨在为能够参加LR海外学习项目的学生数量的增长做出贡献. 像这样, 他们可以用来覆盖较短的教师主导的和夏季项目,以及学期和一年的项目,到传统和非传统的目的地.

    In an effort to expand the types of programs in which students participate, 将保留部分资金支持学生出国实习、服务以及高级项目研究.

    这些助学金进一步用于支持有经济需要的学生和/或支持劳氏促进参与海外留学项目的学生多样性的目标. If you are intending to study abroad, please apply for these awards. 的re are many types of awards and many students will qualify for some support.



    • 9月15日 - 春天 break, spring programs and LTSS programs
    • 11月15日 -暑期课程
    • 2月15日 - Summer, fall semester, and academic-year programs
  • Gilman 奖学金 Program

    本杰明一. Gilman International 奖学金 Program 旨在通过向美国政府提供奖学金,使出国留学和实习的学生种类多样化,以及他们去的国家和地区.S. undergraduates who might otherwise not participate due to financial constraints.



    的 scholarship program is open to U.S. 在两年制或四年制学院或大学接受联邦佩尔助学金资助的公民本科学生,参加世界各地的学习和实习项目.

    该奖学金由美国教育和文化事务局主办.S. 国务院. 教育和文化事务局促进美国人民与其他国家人民之间的相互了解,促进友好关系, sympathetic and peaceful relations.


    • 秋天: 4月中旬
    • 春天:十月初
  • 博伦奖学金

    大卫L. 博伦奖学金 provide up to $20,000 to U.S. undergraduate students to study abroad in areas of the world that are critical to U.S. interests and underrepresented in study abroad.

    Boren Scholars and Fellows study throughout the world, 包括非洲, 亚洲, Central and Eastern Europe, 欧亚大陆, Latin Am埃里克a and the Middle East. 的 countries of Western Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are excluded.

    博仁学者和研究员代表了各种学术和专业学科, but all are interested in studying less commonly taught languages, 包括, 但不限于, 阿拉伯语, 中国人, 朝鲜文, 葡萄牙语, 俄语和斯瓦希里语.

    博仁奖学金由国家安全教育计划(NSEP)资助。, which focuses on geographic areas, languages and fields of study deemed critical to U.S. 国家安全.

    Applicants identify how their study abroad programs or overseas projects, as well as their future academic and career goals, 将对你有贡献。.S. 国家安全, broadly defined.

    NSEP draws on a broad definition of 国家安全, 认识到国家安全的范围已经扩大到不仅包括保护和促进美国福祉的传统关切, but also the challenges of global society, 包括 sustainable development, environmental degradation, global disease and hunger, population growth and migration and economic competitiveness.

  • Fund for Education Abroad 奖学金

    海外教育基金(有限元分析)为美国学生中代表性不足的学生提供奖学金和持续支持.S. 留学人口. 有限元分析改变人生, international experiences accessible to all by supporting minority, community college and first-generation college students before, during and after they participate in education abroad programs.

    的 有限元分析 invests in promising students with financial need who wish to study abroad. 符合全球网赌十大网站资格要求的潜在申请人可以参加任何符合其学术目标的全球赌博十大网站计划.

    有限元分析 奖学金 range from $1,250-$10,000. 资格要求 are available through the 有限元分析 website.

  • Samuel Huntington Public 服务 Award

    Samuel Huntington Public 服务 Award 提供15美元,给即将毕业的大四学生在世界任何地方从事一年公共服务的津贴. 该奖项允许获奖者在继续读研究生或从事职业之前从事一年有意义的公共服务活动.

    Applications should include a proposal, 预算, 成绩单, resume and three letters of recommendation. Proposals may encompass any activity that furthers the public good. It can be undertaken alone or by working through established charitable, 宗教, 教育, governmental or other public service organizations.

    塞缪尔·亨廷顿是新英格兰电力系统公司的总裁兼首席执行官, which later merged with National Grid. He was deeply interested in public service. 大学毕业后,在进入法学院之前,亨廷顿在尼日利亚教书. 塞缪尔·亨廷顿公共服务奖是由他的朋友设立的,目的是让其他学生有类似的经历,并提供公共服务.

全球赌博十大网站 & 事件

International students enjoying a cookout and movie under the stars.

Some international students weren't able to go home when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and some found it safer to remain at LR. 的y made a community and family in the midst of the pandemic having meals together, going on excursions and more.

Carly York displays the cover of her book 丛林女王

From the leading lion to a superhero octopus, biology professor Carly York, Ph.D., shares the animal kingdom's most amazing female species in her new book.
