
When you live on campus, you are steps away from everything LR has to offer. Classes, friends, facilities and services are all within walking distance. Plus, you will experience living with others who share the same academic goals. You will find a fun, caring community and a sense of acceptance.

Explore our virtual campus tour to learn more about our campus and LR housing options for first-year and upperclassman students.

  • New Student 住房

    一旦学生建立了有效的勒努瓦-雷恩电子邮件地址,所有新全球赌博十大网站的学生将收到来自住宿生活办公室的电子邮件. 来自住宿生活办公室的电子邮件将包含完成新生或转学住房申请的链接, depending on the student’s classification. This application needs to be completed by all incoming students, even if the student is planning to live off-campus.

    学生 can request a particular 房间mate(s) on this application. 此外,申请表上还有一些关于室友特征的问题. If a student does not know someone they would like to live with, 然后,这些问题将有助于确定哪些学生将在住房中配对.

    Once the application is completed the student needs to submit the application. 所有住宿分配和室友信息将在6月底/ 7月初通过Lenoir-Rhyne电子邮件发送给新全球赌博十大网站的秋季学期学生. 所有从春季学期开始的一年级学生将在12月通过他们的Lenoir-Rhyne电子邮件收到他们的住房分配和室友信息.

  • 住房 Assignments
    Room Assignments

    The university will not discriminate in 房间/hall assignments. 住宿生活合同是指在校园宿舍居住,而不是特定的住宿, 房间, hall or 房间mate. However, consideration is given to students' preferences and requests. 学校保留分配室友和/或更改房间或宿舍分配的权利, including consolidation of occupancy as spaces are vacated.

    Room Changes

    学生 are allowed to make 房间 changes at identified times. 这些日期将通过宿舍生活工作人员通过电子邮件、帖子和/或邮寄的方式公布. 希望搬到新房间的学生必须按照宿舍生活办公室指导的程序正式更换房间.

    学生换房间不当,将被处以罚款,并可能被要求返回指定的房间. The Residence Life Office must approve all 房间 changes.

    When a student is living alone in a double 房间, 大学保留为该房间分配第二名居住者或向学生收取单次居住费的权利.

    If one of the occupants of a 房间 moves out or fails to enter LRU as planned, the remaining occupant must do the following.

    • Accept another 房间mate, if the university has one to assign
    • 从同一宿舍选择一个没有室友的新室友
    • 和一个没有室友的学生一起搬进同一个宿舍的新房间
    • Pay the additional cost to keep the 房间 as a single 房间. 如果其他学生需要校园住房,则可能无法使用此选项. Because freshmen live in either Morgan or Isenhour, they do not have the option to pay for a single 房间.

    Residents without 房间mates may be reassigned to another 房间.

  • 住房 合同s

    200美元的宿舍损坏押金将与秋季学期的账单一起评估. This deposit is refundable after a student ceases to rent a 房间 on campus, pending any damage charges that may have accumulated.


    宿舍合同有效期为整个学年,直到春季学期结束. 学生宿舍合同要求学生在整个学年都住在学生宿舍, or if entered into after the start of the fall semester, for the remainder of the academic year. The summer term is regarded as a separate agreement.

    学生可以在指定的校园住房正式开放日期至指定的宿舍正式关闭日期和时间内占用指定的空间. 学生必须在每学期最后一次考试后24小时内搬出宿舍. 住在学生宿舍的毕业生将在毕业典礼前免费获得住宿.

    Termination of the 合同

    在一个学期内,因任何原因被终止全球赌博十大网站的, the resident must vacate the assigned 房间 and residence hall within 24 hours.

    Similarly, 学校因纪律原因决定解除住宿生活合同的, 入住者必须在24小时内搬出指定的房间和宿舍. 违反宿舍或大学政策的学生将被视为立即终止住宿生活合同并被驱逐出宿舍的充分理由.

    Cancellation of the 合同

    不需要住校或不注册的学生必须在6月30日前书面通知住宿生活办公室取消本协议. 合同s canceled between June 30 and August 1 will be assessed a $200 fine. 在8月1日之后或学年期间取消合同将被处以600美元的罚款.

  • Student 住房 安全


    All residence halls on campus are equipped with a card swipe or passcode. 学生只被允许进入他们特定的宿舍,以确认只有住在大楼里的人才能保证进入.

    In each residence hall, 每层楼都有一名住宿助理(RA)作为学生资源. Additionally, 每个宿舍都有一个宿舍主任(RD),他是大学的研究生,负责监督大楼里的住宿助理. Resident directors and resident assistants, 帮助确保建筑物的安全,并接受处理多种情况的培训.

  • 访问ing Student 住房

    Caldwell Community College & Technical Institute and Catawba Valley Community College

    在学术和学科方面表现良好的在校生有机会申请在勒努瓦-雷恩大学住校. 感兴趣的学生应填写申请并提交在社区大学全日制注册的证明.

    访问ing Student 住房 Application
Ataysha Fininen

我的学术课程最令人难忘的部分是那些了不起的教授,他们总是愿意在我身边,尽他们所能帮助我, even after I completed the class.

Ataysha Fininen '22, Psychology
Two female students hold a poster with thank a donor written on it

Thanks to the support of alumni, families and friends, 5月31日,勒努瓦-雷恩大学庆祝了又一个成功的财政年度的结束, 2024.

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Chad Rimmer appears via Zoom on the large screen at Q&A session in Belk Centrum

Keeping the lines of communication open, the Rev Dr. Chad Rimmer回答了LTSS校友的问题,提供了有关即将搬迁的最新情况和清晰的信息.

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