
成为变革推动者. 改变你的未来和社区.

你热衷于环境和社会正义. 全球网赌十大网站热衷于帮助您为可持续发展事业做好准备.

A changing world demands new knowledge and skill sets to address the sustainability challenges and opportunities of our time.

Take your career to the next level with Lenoir-Rhyne's 33-credit hour Master of Science in Sustainability Studies, 什么会让你准备好工具, insights and strategies needed to help steer organizations and communities toward a more sustainable future.

通过全球网赌十大网站的跨学科方法, 完成课程后,你将非常有资格在私营企业从事一系列与可持续发展相关的工作, 公营及非牟利机构.


Take the next step toward completing your Masters in Sustainability Studies at Lenoir-Rhyne University.


Take the next step toward completing your Masters in Sustainability Studies at Lenoir-Rhyne University.

Take the next step toward completing your Masters in Sustainability Studies at Lenoir-Rhyne University.



在完成学业的道路上平衡工作和生活. 作为一个灵活的, non-cohort程序, 你可以在任何学期开始你的课程,并按照自己的进度完成课程. 方便的课程表提供了工作的专业人士与距离, 在线, 阿什维尔校区提供混合课程和夜校课程.


  • 实践经验
  • 跨多个领域的专业机会
  • 致力于社会关怀的工作
  • 与社区持份者联系
  • 加强您在阿什维尔和北卡西部的专业网络
  • 奖学金及研究金 可用

学生从事有意义的研究, rich dialogue and valuable community projects to build more resilient and regenerative communities now and into the future.

  • 社区伙伴关系

    The Asheville area and the Western North Carolina region are partners in Lenoir-Rhyne's graduate education programs. 结果是, 全球网赌十大网站通过合作网络和社区承诺将课堂扩展到社区.

    例子包括来自社区的定期班级访客(可持续发展官员), 民选官员, 企业主和管理者, 非营利项目经理, 科学家们, 等.), class projects in the community and a capstone course that involves working with a community partner on an issue, 与可持续发展相关的想法或挑战.

  • 跨学科的方法

    可持续发展研究项目采用系统方法来解决问题. 你的知识, 伦理和实践问题作为该计划结构的框架. 您将通过科学发展可持续发展的关键核心知识, 业务, 经济学, 公共政策, 沟通与社会公正.

    社区规划的实践经验, 研究, 冲突管理, 沟通, education and project implementation integrates with 学习 in the classroom to furnish a rich and relevant preparation for professional opportunities across many fields.

  • 动态 & 发展的课程

    该计划以一种尊重和支持教育原则的方式提供, 学习, 社区发展和环境管理. 课程学习必须将理论与实践相结合.

    Because sustainability is a developing topic and requires a dynamic and evolving approach in both content and practice, 该方案是不断发展和适应新的理解. This includes regular updates to the curriculum and merging methods that can move us toward sustainability.


Dr. 基思·麦克达德,项目主管

The Master of Science in Sustainability Studies (MSSS) program is designed for professionals who seek to develop or advance their career in a broad variety of 业务, 管理和倡导专业. 通过完成这个项目, 研究生将发展科学的关键核心知识, 业务, 可持续发展领域的沟通和公共政策. 该计划侧重于结合商业的跨学科核心的交叉点, 科学, 沟通s and policy while allowing students to specialize in their primary interests to develop leading practitioners in the emerging field of sustainability. It also includes experiential/service 学习 components in which the graduate student participates in a project with a community partner.

mss项目旨在建立在勒努瓦-雷恩大学对可持续发展的承诺基础上, 如以下声明所述:

"Lenoir-Rhyne University recognizes that it is but one component of larger interconnected communities, 每一个都受到个人和机构选择的影响. 以促进对这些人类和自然社区的理解和责任, the university encourages education and community outreach that provide students with knowledge and skills to conserve natural resources and to be environmentally responsible citizens. Lenoir-Rhyne endeavors to be a model of environmental stewardship by promoting care and concern for the environment in the daily lives of individuals and by striving for sustainability in our institutional operations."

因此, 勒努瓦-雷恩的mss课程侧重于为商业做准备, 科学 and policy professionals to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the needs of future generations and to work toward a world where everyone might flourish. 教师和学生将从事研究, 对话和社区项目,帮助恢复和维持全球生态系统, 提倡健康生活, 解决社会不公,减少社会对环境的影响.

基于这一愿景, the MSSS program has been developed and is delivered in a way that honors and supports the following principles of education, 学习, 社区发展和环境管理:

  • The Asheville area and the Western North Carolina region are partners in Lenoir-Rhyne's graduate education programs. 结果是 全球网赌十大网站通过合作网络和社区承诺将课堂扩展到社区.
  • mss项目是跨学科的, supporting our recognition of the interconnectedness of community and a systems understanding of knowledge.
  • 课程和材料以问题为基础,而不是以传统学科为中心. 全球网赌十大网站的学生和教师深入关注一个特定的问题或几个问题的交集.
  • 作为一个以学习者为中心的学习计划, 的知识, 学生的道德和实践问题作为该计划结构的框架.
  • 在这个项目中学习是基于有意的,理论和实践之间的综合联系. In recognition that "sustainability" is a developing topic and requires a dynamic and evolving approach in both content and practice, mss计划将以课程和方法的灵活性为特色.


The Master of Science in Sustainability Studies is designed to prepare leaders of educational and community development initiatives to enhance environmental understanding, reform traditional economic development into sustainable development and increase awareness of the importance of sustainability in all human systems. 学生 will learn to search for the causes and impacts of environmental-related economic and social problems, 同时建立设计能力, implement and advance initiatives that produce sustainable outcomes for current and future generations.

学生 who successfully complete the Master of Science in Sustainability Studies program will demonstrate:

  • 系统思考的高级能力, 识别和分析可持续性问题背后的结构性原因.
  • 合作寻求可持续发展问题解决方案的能力, 同时努力满足多个利益相关者的期望和需求.
  • Capacity to examine and assess sustainability decisions and issues in terms of both their short and long-term consequences to stakeholders and the natural world.
  • 致力于透明度和民主进程,以获得最佳的可持续性解决方案.
  • 运用系统理论概念和工具的技能.
  • An informed self-knowledge of their leadership potential and the capacity to author a personalized plan to further develop their leadership abilities.
  • 构思、发起和领导变革项目的能力,以增强可持续的人类系统.


请访问研究生招生的最新 项目全球赌博十大网站要求.


阿什维尔以其自然美景而闻名,也是最适合居住的地方之一, 在南方工作和学习.

Dr. 玛莎·范宁在一群学生面前讲课

随着又一个学年的结束, we say goodbye to a group of faculty and staff members who have given years of service to the university and its students.

Six students in graduation regalia stand on the field under a sign reading "Congratulations Class of 2024"

Speakers and members of the Class of 2024 reflected on the challenges of their journey and the fulfillment of lifelong dreams at commencement ceremonies on three campuses.
